Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The Blessing of God-centered Friends

"Iron sharpeneth iron, so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend." Proverbs 27:17

"I am a companion of all them that fear Thee, and of them that keep Thy precepts." Psalm 119:63

"And Jonathan Saul's son arose, and went to David into the wood, and strengthened his hand in God." I Samuel 23:16

I am very thankful for the influential friends that God has given me. They are not all alike in every respect. Their ages range from late teens/early twenties to late fifties. Some are athletic or interested in sports, others are not. Most hold to varying degrees of Calvinism, others are decidedly opposed to that doctrinal position. Most are Baptistic in their view of church government, some hold to a Presbyterian view. Most would hold to a form of Dispensationalism, some would be more Covenantal in their hermeneutic. Some are veterans in the field of God's service, others are preparing to give their lives in "full-time" serice, still others magnify Christ daily in secular employment. And there are many, many more contrasts that could be drawn! The number that could be listed in the group of influential friends could be counted on two hands; the closest of these on one hand.

Friends are important as "iron sharpeners," encouragers, strengtheners, and even rebukers! As I consider this, I am often a little dismayed by the types and levels of friendships that many professing Christians seek out. It is not uncommon to be among a group of Christians for an extended period of time and not hear a single element of edifying conversation. I do not suggest that every element of conversation must focus on Scripture, soul-winnin', and sanctification! It is a little troubling, however, when the spiritual and Scriptural is never spoken of. I do not claim any sort of perfection in this area. I know that too often I am fixated on the trivial, temporal, and foolish to the diminishment or exclusion of important, eternal, and wise. Yet I know the influence of friends, and by God's grace I desire to cultivate friendships with those who would influence me in the right way.

Those friends in my life that have the greatest and most meaningful influence in my life are the ones who exhibit a God-centered focus on life. These men fear God and strive to keep His precepts. They focus their lives in a passionate pursuit of His glory. And it is they who sharpen my countenance in a proper manner, and truly strengthen my hands in God by their encouragement, and even rebuke. Faithful are their woundings, examples, and encouragements, for by God's grace they encourage me along the path of sanctification for the treasure of knowing and following Jesus.

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