Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Why Don't I Post More?

In response to some who have asked and perhaps others who have wondered why I do not post more blogs on the site, I think I should explain. First, I do not want to be consumed by blogging. There are others who seem to be able to post prodigously and carry on both family and ministry life. At this point, I have not developed the talent! And to be quite honest, this is not that high a priority! Second, pre-field ministry makes blogging a difficulty. It is very difficult to spend time doing this on a different computer (your host's) from night to night. Perhaps if I had a better laptop with the whole internal wireless high speed modem thing and an attending high-speed wireless internet plan spanning North America, it would be easier. Third, every time I do blog my father's sagacious definition of a fool resounds in my memory. Don't know where he got it from, but it is good! "A fool is someone who has nothing to say and says it anyway!"

Having said this, my upcoming schedule seems to be lending itself more to spending time doing this. I plan to crank out at least three posts a week for the next couple of weeks. I hope that in doing so I do not prove myself a fool! Another of my father's sayings is "Better to remain quiet and have everyone think you a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!"

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